Half Truths and What’s Local

Ran across this earlier tonight. Apparently it was aired during the World Series. The commercial is pretty right? Makes you feel good and all that? Budweiser has proven for years now that they are capable of pulling at our heartstrings to sell their beer. This is another in a series of half truth ploys to…

Rupert’s Brew House Opening Day

As I sit here trying to come up with something clever to say to open this post, I realize that to do so is a bit superfluous. In the end, isn’t it really about the beer anyway? That was what today was about. Rupert’s Brew House opened today. One of the handful of new breweries…

Gonzo’s Sneak Peak

Good things come to those who wait. That’s what I have heard anyway. Sometimes though you get to be lucky and get in on the sneak peak. I spent a short time over at Gonzo’s soon to be open Bigg Dogg Brewery. Kalamazoo is in for a treat. I could go on and on right…

Tour: Tibbs Brewing Company

You can’t keep a good city down. Mother nature has tried. She ripped through Kalamazoo with a Tornado in the 80s and the city not only survived but grew. There is a new tornado hitting the city now. We have a whirlwind of breweries popping up within the city and surrounding area. Earlier this week…

Kalamazoo Beerfest

Beerfests, they’re all the rage. Seems they are popping up everywhere. Thing is, that’s a good thing. We are in the middle of a beer renaissance and as crazy as this might sound to those inside the “bubble” not everyone actually knows anything about it all. I know that last sentence sounded a bit off…

Comparing Apples to Wine Coolers

Sometimes you have to wonder… I suppose you are wondering why I showed you all those videos. This is several decade’s views of the various “wine coolers” since the 80s. I can hear you now. These are all like comparing apples to oranges and all that nonsense. But is it really? I would hazard a…

Session 80 Back to the Bubble

I wonder if the bubble will ever burst on the question of the beer bubble? Here we are with the first Friday in October. The first Friday of the month is also known as the Session. The time when beer bloggers get together to talk about a common theme. This month’s Session is hosted by…

Back up Plan

Things don’t always work the way we expect them to. Sometimes despite our best efforts things go wrong. We have had a stand up freezer for about 12 years or more now, and it was old when we bought it. Ya, we picked it up from a garage sale for around 30 bucks, great deal…